Our Meeting Space OurMeeting.Space Home page

Welcome to Our Meeting Space, a website for people who want to join, or start, Clubs.

Clubs can be for almost anything:

  • Reading and discussing books
  • Watching and discussing films
  • Going on hikes
  • Sharing about photography, gardening, quilting, astronomy
  • or whatever interests you

Below you can look over our list of current Clubs. To join a club that interests you, you must be a member of Our Meeting Space. Click on the button “Become a member”, below, to join us.

Once you are a member of Our Meeting Space, you may ask to join any current Club, and become a club participant.

When you find a Club that interests you, and click to join that Club, your Membership information (name, contact info) is sent to that Club’s administrator, who will then follow up with you.

You may leave a Club, or Our Meeting Space, at any time, by signing in, then using the appropriate buttons to modify or cancel your membership.

We hope you enjoy your time here!

Explore some of the Clubs available to our members:

Already a Member of Our Meeting Space?

Want to join Our Meeting Space?